Rainbows Balloons

A quick sensory project the kids will love. You will love squishing them too 😉


Here is what you need:

Permanent marker
A funnel

You can fill the balloon with other things like rice or beans but I personally have had the best luck by using a funnel and putting flour into the ballons. Then put a few tablespoons of water on top tie and let the kids squish away

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Colored Rice


Here is what you need:

Dry white rice
Food coloring or kool-aid
Rubbing alcohol
Ziplock baggies

Put rice in a bag and added a few drops of food coloring to the bag or a package of kool-aid.

Then add about a 3 tablespoon of the rubbing alcohol and the rice. Seal the bag and mix tell all rice is covered and you have the color you want. I let my about three hours.

I used cookie sheets with wax paper and placed the rice on top to dry. Let the rice dry for a few hours.

follow me here ♡ https://m.facebook.com/shezcrafty2

Make Your Own Bouncy Balls

Here are the little balls (eggs) we made this morning.  We named our bouncy balls dinosaur eggs because that is the theme we are currently working on.


Here is what we used:

1/4 Cup Warm Water
1/2 Tablespoon Borax

1 Tablespoon of Cornstarch

1 Tablespoons School glue

Food Coloring

2 Small bowls

In one bowl mix the borax and warm water

In the next bowl mix glue, cornstarch,  and food coloring

Pour the borax mixture over the glue mixture and let sit for 10 seconds.

Take the glue mixture out of the water and roll together to make a ball.

**Just an fyi this ball will not completely harden. You may want to store in a plastic bag.

follow me here ♡ https://m.facebook.com/shezcrafty2

Slime and Amazing Super Bubbles!

First time we tried to make this slime,  and image the smiles you will get when you blow these giant bubbles with it!


These pictures don’t even begin to share the amazement in the kiddos eyes.


Here is what we used :
1/2 cup Elmer’s Glitter Glue

1/2 cup Sta-Flo Liquid Starch

1/2 cup water
Straw (hard plastic worked best)

Mix the glue and water first. Mix well!

Then add the starch. Mix, mix, mix!

Dump out excess water. I actually used a strainer. Next knead together. Let the kids knead, and play with with the slime. This takes a while to become a slime texture. It was stringy tell fully mixed.

For bubbles, flatten out a piece of slime and wrap it around the straw. Then blow and hear the giggles begin.  Of course it is fun to get a giant bubble, but the kids laugh louder when they *pop*

follow me here ♡ https://m.facebook.com/shezcrafty2

Monster Slime

Craft time is here and I wanted to keep them busy for a long time.


Here is what we used:
1 cup elmer’s school glue
1 teaspoon borax
3/4 cup cold water
1/2 cup warm water
Food coloring


In one bowl mix glue, cold water, and food coloring.

In another bowl mix warm water and borax

Then mix together slowly

There was a bunch of left over water once we mixed, just pour it out.
